DESCRIPTION Gather your whole staff! In April Emily Moilanen, a Regional Healthcare Preparedness Coordinator, will lead a safety tabletop exercise with three scenarios. After each scenario is introduced, your agency will be placed in a private breakout room to work on the exercise. Then you will come together with a few other agencies in a small group to discuss your procedure and learn from each other.
This will be repeated for each of the following scenarios:
- Escalation of guns in the home
- Drugs
- Assault
The entire exercise will last 90 minutes and will be a valuable resource for your agency with the recent rise in community violence.
Test home care agency staff ability to recognize potential for escalating workplace violence in the home health setting.
Test home care agency staff ability to respond to an incident of escalated workplace violence in the home health setting.
Identify gaps in organizational safety training and workplace violence response planning.
AUDIENCE All agency staff are invited and encouraged to attend. Please forward this link to anyone in your agency that might be interested (intake staff, field clinicians, leadership, etc.).
FACULTY Emily Moilanen, MPH, Regional Healthcare Preparedness Coordinator with the Metro Health & Medical Preparedness Coalition Emily Moilanen is a Regional Healthcare Preparedness Coordinator with the Metro Health and Medical Preparedness Coalition. Through the Coalition Emily works to coordinate health care, public health, EMS, and emergency management in integrated planning, response and recovery activities critical to an effective response to an event or emergency with public health and medical implications. Previously, Emily spent five years at the Minnesota Department of Health in the Center for Emergency Preparedness & Response. Her work there focused on emergency planning for populations with access and functional needs as well as community engagement. Emily graduated from Hamline University with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and from the University of Minnesota with a Master of Public Health degree.
CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS CEU will not be offered for this program.
WHAT'S A WEBINAR? Enjoy the convenience and cost-efficiency of a webinar – watch the speaker’s slide presentation on the internet while listening by telephone or through your computer’s microphone and speakers (VoIP). The cost of this education is per agency.
Prior to the webinar, a Zoom Webinar link will be e-mailed to you. You will need to click on this link to access the webinar, a dial-in number and an access code to listen in via telephone. You will also be sent any pertinent handouts if available and evaluation link.
WEBINAR RECORDING This webinar will be recorded and made available to registrants. Please note: only the main room will be recorded. Much of this webinar will be spent in breakout rooms. Breakout rooms will not be recorded.
HANDOUTS Handouts, evaluation forms, sign-in sheets and related materials will be sent to you shortly before the program to the email address you provide.
QUESTIONS? Please contact Brandy Sweet at [email protected] with questions.
Registration Fee: OAHC Members: $157 per agency; Non-Members: $262 per agency.
Oregon Association for Home Care 417 2nd St. Ste. 101 Lake Oswego, OR 97034